Making it easier for you to create and send deals
With the newest update to the Opendorse Deal Builder, we’ve made it easier for brands and businesses to create and send deals to athletes. Our new deal builder lets you create an offer or opportunity, select athletes and activities, and add details in just a few minutes.
The new, updated interface walks you through every step of the build process and ensures that more athletes will accept your offer or apply to your opportunity. Here is a brief rundown of the major enhancements we’ve made:
Step-by-Step Guidance
Each step of the deal building process is now listed on the left-hand side of the screen, allowing for quicker and more flexible navigation.

Updated User Interface
The refreshed interface updates the Deal Builder with leading design principles, providing you a more straightforward and easy-to-use experience.

Clearer Error Messaging
If you run into problems while building a deal, our new error messaging will clearly direct you to the solution.

New ‘Review’ Step Order Summary
The final step in the Deal Builder provides a summary of your deal or opportunity and allows for a final confirmation before posting or sending.

We’re excited to roll out these enhancements, along with many other improvements to the Deal Builder. Create or access your Opendorse business account today to send a deal!
Need help writing a deal brief? Check out our best practices guidance here!