Marketing campaigns that are not built on trust between consumers and brands are doomed to fail. When activating influencers to spread your message, it’s important to rely on that trust. Here are five ways to build and establish trust with your audience through using influencer endorsements.
1. Know your audience
Going into the campaign, know who you are trying to target. Is there a specific state or region you’d like to access? What age and gender is your idea audience? What are they going to be interested in? By establishing your audience you will be able to effectively tailor your message to appeal to them.
Need some help finding your perfect influencer? Let us help. On opendorse’s athlete profiles, you can see where the most followers and engagements come from, gender breakdown, most influential topics, and more.
2. Be engaging
Influencer marketing strategies work best with content that provides value to the target consumer. Instead of telling your customers about how great your product/service is, focus on creating a lasting connection with the consumer. To do this, provide consumers with content that will engage them.
At opendorse we advise brands to steer clear from uninteresting and unauthentic content, especially endorsements that look like spam. Those endorsements are unlikely to foster any engagement. Authentic and interesting content will enable your endorsement strategy to thrive.
3. Share stories and emotions
There’s a reason sharing emotion is powerful, it’s science. Create content that will cause your audience to laugh, cry, ponder, or learn something new. This will keep your audience interested and engaged with your influencer as well as strengthen your relationship with them.
4. Engage your audience by asking for them to interact
Invite your audience to engage and interact with your influencer and your brand via social media. This will not only further engage consumers and build authentic and trusting relationships but also help increase the exposure of your campaign.
5. Strive for authenticity
Start by asking yourself who is already talking about your product/brand? Who already loves your industry? Work with athletes who genuinely love what you’re doing to produce authentic endorsements.
Adopting a different strategy for trust? Have other ideas? We would like to hear about them! Want to learn more about our social media publishing tool.
Getting ready to run a campaign See how athlete influencer marketing can help your brand!